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Vote For All You're Worth #97

Da Poops!

Here are my picks of the Shirt Woot! contest this week.

This week's theme is...

Derby Contest #742: Workout Schmerkout


Six Word Workout Story by acraigl

WHY? .. ha! super fun shirt! poor unwanted gym memberships, I've owned a few. Like the choice of athletic gray too.

i exercise (my mind) by jasneko

WHY? .. a great brain workout shirt. Beware! lifting many books together can cause injury so be sure to lift and read one at a time.

geek olympics by mekazoo

WHY? .. This is fun! a cool twist on the theme and those colors are super POP!!

but wait there's more!

click the link below to see the

entire contest

To The Derby, Make Haste!

here's how to vote...

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