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Vote For All You're Worth #96

Da Poops!

Here are my picks of the Shirt Woot! contest this week.

This week's theme is...

Derby Contest #741: Textography


Handcraft me some text why don't ya :)

bounty hunter by acraigl

WHY? .. great job on this ambigram (wahoo I remembered what they're called!!!) love the muted color palette too, great choices all round here.

Calm the Fork Down by paxdomino

WHY? .. with the US election season looming I just couldn't resist this. The green and pink color combo is stunning and looks amazing with the dark heather shirt.

Adopt! by jasneko

WHY? .. Awwwww Jasneko that is adorable :)

but wait there's more!

click the link below to see the

entire contest

To The Derby, Make Haste!

here's how to vote...

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