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Vote For All You're Worth #94

Da Poops!

Here are my picks of the Shirt Woot! contest this week.

This week's theme is...

Derby Contest #739: Dogs are Better Than Cats!


A Doctor's Best Friend by kg07

WHY? .. I really appreciate this design, great details all round and as a fan of K9 since my heady Tom Baker Doctor Who childhood days I feel he's a much under served by the shirt community. Loving those steampunky cogs and what not too.

St. Bernard by acraigl

WHY? .. Oooo this is lovely, a stained glass window that works really well on the shirt, awesome color and texture too.

Periodic Table of Dogs by Spiritgreen

WHY? .. Dogs aren't pokemon and you definitely should not collect them all but it's super sciency fun to see all the doggos grouped up like this and I love, love that "x" is on the butt but maybe that's just me :D

Why Not Both?by fishbiscuit5

WHY? .. I just love this one, great message and not just for the animal kingdom

but wait there's more

click the link below to see the

entire contest

To The Derby, Make Haste!

here's how to vote...

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