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Vote For All You're Worth #78

Da Poops!

Here are my picks of the Shirt Woot! contest this week.

This week's theme is

Derby Contest #722: Rules!

in association with Steven Lefcourt

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...

Dunking Rules by thatrobert

WHY? Now I know how to do this the right way! love the details and fun explanations, take this shirt to your local coffee shop for adoring gasps of joy.


WHY? I love the caution style shirts, this one captures the spirit of Mordor perfectly, great style.

READitol: For a Healthier You! by acraigl

WHY? The cure all solution to every ailment! So we already have Big Oil, Big Sugar and now Big Reading. Try READitol today! it might actually do you some good.

but wait... there's more...

click the link below to see the

entire contest

To The Derby, Make Haste!

here's how to vote...

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