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Vote For All You're Worth #71

Da Poops!

Here are my picks of the Shirt Woot! contest this week.

This week's theme is

Derby Contest #715: NSF...ANYONE

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...

Humpty Trumpty by kg07

WHY? what a fun characterisation by KG07! I'm in love with the colors used here and what a beautifully sincere verse hidden within the wall.

Fox U by acraigl

WHY? I love Uni shirts and this is a great one from acraigl, lol, I didn't even notice the tail at first (I'm super lame) but now I like it even more and the colors are perfect, love a cranberry shirt!

1up Yours by geekfactor12

WHY? do you like videogames? and being super rude to folks? (without them realising, hehehee) then this is the shirt for you! simple, super fun and effective it will definitely make the gamers look twice.

but wait... there's more...

click the link below to see the

entire contest

To The Derby, Make Haste!

here's how to vote...

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