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Vote For All You're Worth #52

Da Poops!

Here are my picks of the Shirt Woot! contest this week.

This week's theme is " Slogan Tees! "

so many great designs!!!!!

... here are my faves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...

Button Masher by transformingegg

WHY? I love the text in this one it looks spontaneous and fun plus a nice sarcastic message to boot.

Round is a Shape by thehookshot

WHY? this is such a great exercise or not shirt super fun, nice color choice too

Beauty is in the eye of the Beer Holder by stiluk35

WHY? fun integration of text and graphics and striking on the shirt.

but wait... there's more...

... also mine! HA!

click the link below to see the

entire contest and vote!

To The Derby, Make Haste!

here's how to vote...

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