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Vote For All You're Worth #49

Da Poops!

Here are my picks of the Shirt Woot! contest this week.

This week's theme is " Public Domain Day "

... here are my faves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...

The rifle is super effective! by kg07

WHY? original, a tad unusual (shall we say) but also totally awesome. kg07 has captured this scene perfectly in pixels, not sure I could stomach the actual game but on a shirt it's an epic creation!

Unexpecto Patronum by Spiritgreen

WHY? ok, so I guess you could say this is the ying to kg07's yang. Bambi as a Patronus, beautiful interpretation, wispy and dreamy.

Lucky Black Cat by walmazan

WHY? such a fun design of Felix the cat as a lucky cat, great timing with it being the lunar new year and this dark heather color is super wearable and as soft as silk (ok, maybe not silk but super soft!)

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