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Vote For All You're Worth #10

Da Poops!

Thought it would be a super fun idea to pick my fave designs each week up for voting on Shirt.Woot!

I think these special shirts deserve a super happy vote!

WOW I've done 10 of these fave thingys now!

This week is the theme is "Star Warps"

here are my faves :)

1 - The Dark and Light by oakenspirit - WHY? just one question WHY! is this not in the fog???

super funny, instabuy shirt from Oakenspirit, hope it gets an editor's choice.

2 - Nerd Rage by transformingegg - WHY? truly a great sci fi shirt, great work!

3 - R2D2 is Amazing by thatquietgir1 - WHY? a puzzle and a shirt! double whammy! I'm just left wondering if a horde of maze solvers will descend on me as I walk down the street?

Da Poops!


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